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Track A






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Mr. How ti-hwei

Country President, AstraZeneca

Keynote Talk: Introduction to Singapore's Bio-Pharmaceuticals

Ti-Hwei is the Country President of AstraZeneca Singapore, a global, science-led pharmaceutical company, focused on the discovery, development and commercialisation of life-changing prescription medicines. He also serves as the President of the Singapore Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (SAPI), and the Chair of the European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) Healthcare Committee. He is also a member of the NUS Pharmacy Programme Advisory Board, and the Ngee Ann Polytechnic Life Sciences & Chemical Technology Advisory Committee. A Singapore national, Ti-Hwei holds a Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy) with Honours, and an MBA from the National University of Singapore. He completed his pre-registration Pharmacist training in National University Hospital before venturing into the private sector. Ti-Hwei has had more than 20 years of Commercial experience across the Pharmaceutical & FMCG industries and has spent the last 7 years in various General Management roles. Outside of Singapore, his career has seen him lived and worked in Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia. He currently resides in Singapore with his wife and 2 teenage sons. He stays active playing tennis and mountain-biking.


Challenges in the Singapore Bio-Pharmaceutical Landscape


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The bio-pharmaceutical industry is a maturing industry, now challenged with more generic competition and increasing regulatory expectations from governing bodies across the world. As a result, processes from the research all the way to the healthcare front are pursuing leaner, more efficient procedures. The question is, how does this pursuit affect the overall health of the landscape? In the opening panel discussion for Pheature 2019, we will be exploring the challenges in Singapore bio-pharmaceutical landscape as a case study.


Discussion Panel (from left to right):

  • Mr How Ti Hwei (Moderator)

  • Dr Keith Carpenter (Executive Director, A*Star Singapore)

  • Dr Alireza Hosseini (Chief Operating Officer, Singapore Biotech


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Prof Chia Kee Seng


Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore

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Prof Chia Kee Seng


Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore

Presentation Topic: Evidence-based Policy: War on Diabetes 

One in three Singaporeans will end up having diabetes. If nothing is done today to manage the diabetes epidemic, there will be 1 million diabetics in Singapore in 2050. Professor Chia Kee Seng will be discussing the trend, causes and the measures Singapore is taking to combat diabetes.

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Prof Chia Kee Seng


Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore

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DR Ghosh

Senior Data Scientist


Presentation Topic: Diabetes & AI: Real World Evidence-Driven Patient Care

Despite rapid advances in clinical administration methodology and healthcare provision, diabetes continues to be major health concern at a global scale. In this talk, Dr. Gosh will highlight the challenges associated with management, the role of data driven healthcare analytics and introduce glycoleap, a digital healthcare platform driven by Holmusk that has impacted the lives of diabetes patients in Singapore through provision of remote nutritional advice.

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A/Prof Joyce Lee

Clinician and Chairperson  

Foundation of Clinical Diabetes Management

Presentation Topic: Five Ways to Coexist with Diabetes Happily

Diabetes is a condition without cure.  Although uncontrolled diabetes can bring about costly complications, people with diabetes can still live a long, happy life if they know how to redefine the sweetness in life.  This short presentation will focus on five ways that people with diabetes can stay S.W.E.E.T. yet controlled.  By the end of this talk, audience will be able to:

·         Redefine the meaning of S.W.E.E.T.

·         Discuss ways to support people with diabetes

·         Rationalize care approach for diabetes

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Ms Christine Fock

Deputy Director

Regional Health & Outreach Division, HPB

Presentation Topic: War on diabetes - Rallying our forces

Diabetes is fast becoming a global health problem. Our diabetes prevalence rate is 10.5% (International Diabetes Federation, IDF Atlas, 2015), where the number of Singaporeans living with diabetes is expected to rise from 444,000 in 2014 to a projected 1 million residents with diabetes in 2050, due to an ageing population and increased obesity. To curb this trend, the Health Promotion Board (HPB) adopts a multi-pronged approach to encourage greater awareness on diabetes prevention and management among Singaporeans in the workplace as well as in the community. These efforts are made possible through a whole-of-society collaboration, with various government agencies, private sector organisations, Landlords, Business Associations, business space developers, Unions, Regional Health Systems and Voluntary Welfare Organisations joining forces in the fight against diabetes.

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